Monday, August 25, 2014


I've been slacking big-time on doing my posts, but the last month of summer was CRAZY!  Fun, and wonderful, but busy and definitely crazy.  Anyways, I'm just going to put up a bunch of my workouts that I've done over the last few weeks.  Here it goes:

1)  4 rounds, 1 minute each exercise.  Rest 1 minute after each round:

Bench press
200 m run
Ring abs
Windshield wiper abs

*Count the total number of reps each round, then add it up at the end.


2)  4 Rounds for Time of:

 10 burpees
15 ring rows
20 thrusters
25 situps
30 pushups
35 walking lunges w/ weight overhead

Kara - 28:10
Sara - 30:06
Bailey - 31:49

3)  See picture below:)

4)   4 Rounds for Time of:   I couldn't use my arms for DAYS after this one!!!:)

200 m. run
11 thrusters (65 lbs.)
200 m. run
11 push press (65 lbs.)
200 m. run
11 bench press (55 lbs.)

Sara - 22:26
Kim - 23:00
Kara - 25:57
Bailey - 28:21


5)  4 Rounds For Time:   this one was a leg KILLER!!!!!!

15 backward walking lunges w/ bar
15 box jumps (20/24)
15 pushups
15 deadlifts (65 lbs)
15 front squats (65 lbs)
15 pullups

Kim - 21:03
Sara - 21:22
Kara - 24:00
Bailey - 25:08

6)  4 Round for Time of:

100 single unders (jump rope)
20 situps
20 pushups
20 leg raises
20 dips
20 standing twists with weight (20 lbs)
20 Knees to elbows
400 m. run

I did this one by myself.  It took me about 26 minutes, and it was a great ab workout:)

7)  4 Rounds for Time of:

400 m. run
20 box jumps
20 situps
20 wall ball shots
20 pushups
20 hang cleans

Sara - 25:05
Kim - 25:07
Alyssa - 28:25