Monday, July 7, 2014

Cheese grater

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 5:30 this summer, my friends, Kim Stoddard, Bailey Christensen, Kara Harris, and sometimes Alyssa Kimball and Haley Jacobsen, join me for some crossfit fun.  We do the workouts out of our garage "gym" that Clint and I put together (well, mostly Clint).  We have had a blast doing the workouts, and I feel like we have really improved our fitness.  I usually come up with the workout we are going to do.  Sometimes I pull it from a crossfit website, or sometimes I just make it up.

This morning was an oldie, but a goodie.  It was...the dreaded "FILTHY FIFTY"!  I first attempted this workout back in January of 2008.  Clint and I decided we would try this crossfit thing.  I was working at Gold's gym and the only child we had was Eden.  Clint and I looked on the crossfit main page and decided to do the workout for that day, and guess what it was!  We could barely do 25 of each exercise, let alone 50!  I also didn't know it at the time, but I was pregnant with Owen as well. 

Anyways, the filthy fifty is:

50 box jumps (20/24")
50 jumping pullups
50 Kettlebell swings (we do 20# because that's all we have)
50 walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 push press (45#)
50 back extensions
50 wall balls (20/14#)
50 burpees
50 double-unders

Here is what happened this morning during this awesome workout:

Yep, that's my shin.  Grated just like cheese.  Can I just tell you that I think that this hurt worse than giving birth!  Not that I have given birth before (having only had C-sections), but I can only imagine.  I was breathing like, "hoo hee hoo hee" when it happened.  I had just started the workout and was only halfway into my box jumps.  I caught myself on the edge of the box jumping down.  It scraped off so much skin that I could actually see whiteness, which made me wonder if it actually scraped to the bone.  YUCK!  It swelled up almost immediately.  It was like one of those cartoons where they get hit on the head and grow a gigantic finger out of their head.  So gross!  I threw some frozen peas on it, wrapped it with an ace bandage, stopped the clock on my time, and rested for about 5 minutes.  The pain was pretty bad, so I decided to just get up and finish my workout to take my mind off the pain.  I ended up finishing the workout in 24:05, and I even did the last 25 box jumps at the end.  I had to stop the clock a few times to adjust my bandage, but overall, it felt great to finish.  The rest of our times are posted here:

By the way, have I mentioned how much I LOVE my Altra's?  The model I have is "The One".  I seriously love them.  They took a little bit getting used to because they are kind of like a minimalist shoe with the whole zero-drop thing, but I have had no IT band pain, no shinsplints, no knee pain, nothing, since I have had them.  I deal with a little Achilles pain, but nothing too bad.  I am excited to run the Top of Utah half marathon on August 23rd with them. 
Today while the kids and I were shopping at Shopko, the kids wanted me to check my blood pressure.  I was interested to see what it would be, as well as my pulse rate.  Here are my numbers.  I guess the whole "being physically active" thing pays off after all!

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